5 Tips to Have Budget-Friendly Funeral Services in Sydney

Funerals can be expensive, and often take place during a period of extreme emotional and financial hardship. When a drawn-out, expensive sickbed ends in a funeral you could be forced to make tough choices when you lay your loved one to rest.

Your first instinct may be to choose only the best, but financial realities sometimes dictate otherwise.

There are ways to soften the blow of the costs of a funeral without sacrificing the spirit and dignity of a heartfelt final goodbye.

Respect the wishes of the deceased

Your first instinct may be to spare no expense to make the funeral service a celebration of the loved one’s life. It is a perfectly understandable reaction to recent events, but it sometimes runs counter to the final wishes of your loved one. If they specifically asked for a low-key, inexpensive funeral, please reconsider your impulse to override their wishes.

It’s entirely possible to fulfil their wish for a budget cremation without compromising on a dignified farewell. In this article, we highlight five aspects of a funeral where you can save money without jeopardising the dignity of the funeral.

Be Honest with the Funeral Director

You must be upfront about your intentions to have a budget-friendly funeral. This allows the funeral director to tailor their suggestions to suit your price range. Death is universal; therefore all funeral homes offer more economical funeral packages that are designed to make a dignified farewell possible for families who find themselves in financial difficulties.

Choose Cremation Over Burial

Cremation only Sydney services are an excellent option for those who are on a tight budget. Cremation is a respectful goodbye but will still save you money on:

  • The cost of a burial plot.
  • The cost of specialised transport for the coffin to the grave.
  • The cost of embalming – unless you plan to have a viewing.

Make Considered Purchases

A budget-conscious funeral will allow you to save money on the smaller aspects of the proceedings that are not in public view. For example, opting for cremation is already a good choice for a budget-friendly funeral, but you can make further savings by, for example, opting for a modest urn. This will make eminent sense if the intention is to bury the urn or spread your loved one’s ashes in their favourite spot.  

Ask for Financial Assistance

Unfortunately, cheap funerals in Sydney can only go so far. Even with budget funeral services, the cost might still be a few thousand dollars.

The good news is that many community groups can help in these circumstances. If your loved one was part of the church, the clergy might be able to contribute a portion of the costs. Employers will often be willing to set up a fund so workmates can contribute to the funeral. At other times, you might be able to get assistance through Centrelink or the Department of Human Services.


Arranging a budget funeral service will require you to put more time and thought into the event and help you to pick those aspects which you want to focus on. There may be a few tough choices, but there is no reason why you cannot properly honour someone’s life by choosing a cheaper funeral package.

Simple Way to Get the Best Funeral Service at Affordable Prices

In the event of finding a funeral service for someone close to you, it is important to have patience because it is a costly affair. However, it is your personal choice to spend what you want on the last celebration of your loved one but if you really want to save the bucks for the memorial service of the deceased family member then you should look around for the reasonable cremation services. You can find many companies that are offering low cost funerals services in Sydney but finding the right one is the main concern. However, you can follow some useful tips and tricks that will help you in finding the right service provider for the funeral as per your specific preferences.

Continue reading “Simple Way to Get the Best Funeral Service at Affordable Prices”